Tuesday, June 17, 2008

$5.25 a finger

Mr. O is going to get his fingerprints, um, taken (?) at the Toronto Police Service today. He called and they told him "they've given these services to private companies" in the past. He needs two pieces of ID and $52.50. Then he can ship these off to Abu Dhabi where they can compare them with the prints they took when he got his work permit there. (It could be worse, I suppose: the Emirati government took an iris scan, too.)


Keith said...

Amazing - absolutely amazing - your story and my story are eerily similar. I am in a common-law relationship with a woman from Brazil and we have been living together in Vancouver since December 2006. Applied for permanent residency in June 2007. Still waiting. And equally frustrated at the idea that it should be so difficult for a spouse of a Canadian to obtain a work permit while being easier for a temporary worker to get one for their own spouse.

My blog is sorely out of touch as we speak, but you can e-mail me realmackenzie at Google mail and I'll tell you my story in greater detail. It was equally maddening and refreshing to see that someone else is going through the same experience as we are, if that makes sense.

Cheers and looking forward to your reply.

Careygirl said...

Hi Kiefer! Yes, it's sad but true - you are not alone. At least you can't take it personally :)

Good luck and keep me posted on your status...and send me a link to your blog sometime, even if it is old. I'd be happy to link to it from here.